Marres Currents #5: I Spy, I Spy a little lie, Metropolis M (review)


Five years ago Marres Currents was established by Marres in Maastricht to provide a platform for emerging artists and curators, alongside showcasing the latest in contemporary art by graduate artists in art academies of South Netherlands, Belgium and Western Germany.

For every edition of Marres Currents a curatorial collective is assembled, following an open call, that sets out to visit art academies including amongst others Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, Staatliche Hochschule für Bildende Künste Städelschule Frankfurt am Main, Dutch Art Institute Arnhem, MAFAD Maastricht, Sint-Lukas Brussels and KASK Ghent. These visits help facilitate a critical exchange between artists and academics and the exhibition that ensues provides a platform for showcasing new talents, trends and currents in Europe. For the fifth edition of Marres Currents Brussels-based curators Evelyn Simons and Isabel Van Bos, who have collaborated in the past, team up to curate I Spy, I Spy a little lie, an exhibition offering insights into artistic frustrations related to lack of access to information and values of knowledge. All of these concerns use the notion of 'play' as an entry point into complex issues pertaining to the present tim